***Some things should go without saying, but unfortunately, after quite a few years of having this
website up, it appears it is time to say something about the photos we have on this website.
All of the pictures on this website are from our own personal family collections,
that is, out of our parents or grandparents photo albums or boxes of pictures stored in closets or attics, etc.
We began this website to share our information (including pictures) with anyone researching
same family lines. However, we have seen our photos appearing in other peoples online family trees and on other peoples
websites without any mention of credit or note as to where the photos were obtained.
It is not for the sake of glory that we want credit, but for simple acknowledgement of our
hard work. If you want any of the pictures, by all means copy them and save them to your computer. BUT IF you are going
to upload them to your online family tree or your website or social networking page then give credit where credit is due.
You can also link your page back to this website and we would be happy to provide a link to yours.
That said...enjoy the pictures and more will be on the site soon as there is a box just waiting
to be scanned!