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Jacobite Crest

Ship the Friendship of Belfast of WALES



Many Jacobites, Scottish loyalists, who fought unsuccessfully to place the Stuarts

 on the throne of Britain in 1715 and 1746 were captured by the English, shackled,

 shipped and sold at Maryland docks to the highest bidder into servitude or white

 bondage for seven years.  Many were of ancient and Honourable lineage.  Some

 returned to Scotland at the end of their period of slavery, while others remained

 and became loyal tenants of the Lord Propriietary.


 Seven Years".

Asecond proclamation was issued by Governor Hart at Annapolis "the eleventh day of

 January in the 2d year of his Lordship Dominion (Benedict Leonard Calvert, 4th Baron

 Baltimore, and 3d Lord Proprietary) & c. Annon


A List of Rebells Transported in the Shipp

the Friendship of Belfast, Michael Mankin, Commander, the 20th of August 1716.



         Rebells' Name                             By whom purchased



Johin Pitter,                          William Holland, Esq.

James Nithery,              

Dugall Macqueen


Alexa Smith                          Samuel Chew, Jr.


Abraham Lowe                     Thomas Larkin


Henry Wilson,                        John Gresham

Alexander Gordon


John Hay                               William Homes


William Smith,                      William Nicholson

Alex'der Spalding


Leonard Robinson                 Thomas Doccra


John Blandell                        Benjamin Wharfield


John Sinckar                         Joseph Hill


William Grant                        Thomas Davis


Thomas Spark                       Philip Dowell


James Webster                     Steph. Warman


Wm Cummins,

Allin Machen                        Thos Macnernara

Jno Robertson


Farq, Macgilvary                  Samuel Young, Esq.


David Mills                            Evan Jones


Patrick Cooper                     Albert Greening


Jeremiah Dunbar                 Hugh Kenneday


John Degedy,                       Phile.Lloyd Esq.

Thomas Lowry,

William McBean


John Glaney                         Hugh Spedden


Wm Macgilvary                     Robert Ungle, Esq.


Alexander Nave                    Thomas Breadhurst


James Hindry                        John Oldham


William Mobbery                   Henry Tripp


James Small,                        Samuel Peele

James White


John Macbayn                      John Ford


Rot Henderson                      Edward Penn


Thomas Potts,                       Wm Bladen, Esq.

George Thompson,         

John Ramsey,

Alexander Reind,

Thomas Forbus


William Davidson                  Mordecai Moor


James Mitchell,                     Benjamin Tasker

James Lowe


James Denholne                   John Clark


James Allen                          Eliz Brown


Danll Grant                           Will: McConhie


Hugh White                           Danll Bryan


Ja: Rutherford                       Arthur Smith


Tho:Hame                             Judith Bruce


James Renton                       Kannar McKenny


Alex McGiffon                        Runaway


In all 54 Prisoners ye above prisoners where Imported by His Majesties Command in

ye Ship Good Speed Arthur Smith Commander where disposed of according to my Instructions

from Mr. Richard Gilbert and Compt mercht p Liverpoole.


Richard Done


Agreed by and Ordered p my owners not to be sold.


Ja. Somerivill

Humphrey Sword 


Goveriior Hart writing to King George I on the 28th April 171 7, stated that "some of the Rebell Prisoners have run away from their Service, but on Cornplaint of their Masters I have given strict orders for the Apprehending of them whenever they shall be found in this Province".


{{For futher info please refer to;Maryland from Overseas by;Newman}}




Below is the original page from the original log book of prisoners showing John Hay.


Click here to download this document.